Pars Flaccida. In human anatomy the pars flaccida of tympanic membrane or Shrapnell&#39s membrane (also known as Rivinus&#39 ligament) is the small triangular flaccid portion of the tympanic membrane or eardrum It lies above the malleolar folds attached directly to the petrous bone at the notch of Rivinus Latin pars flaccida membranae tympanicaeTA2 FMA TA98.

The Hearing Journal pars flaccida
The Hearing Journal from

pars flaccida (82%) superior extension most common it expands into Prussak&#39s space eventually eroding the scutum and displacing the ossicles medially inferior extension less common but more frequently seen in children pars tensa (18%) posterosuperior (78%) extends medial to the incus and displaces the ossicles laterally Author Dalia Ibrahim.

The pars flaccida technique SAGES Image Library

The pars flaccida technique The pars flaccida technique A tunnel is made in the posterior gastric fatty tissue at the level of the gastroesophageal junction and just inferior to the crural confluence This technique decreases the incidence of posterior gastric herniation Fundamentals Bariatric Srgy.

Pars flaccida Radiology Reference Article

By using a sond placed either in the tympanic bulla or in the Eustachian tube in the rat the middle ear can be insufflated or aspirated with exact volumes of air Pars flaccida reacted promptly to the changes while pars tensa remained immobile A large air volume caused perforation of the pars flaccida It seems that pars flaccida&#39s function may consist in maintaining a constant middle ear pressure within certain limits by changing its position Author L E Stenfors B Salén B WinbladCited by Publish Year 1979.

The Hearing Journal

Cholesteatoma (pars flaccida) Radiology Case

Pars flaccida of tympanic membrane Wikipedia

The role of the pars flaccida in the mechanics of the middle ear

The pars flaccida (plural partes flaccidae) also known as Shrapnell&#39s membrane is the flaccid portion of the tympanic membraneand represents a small portion of the membrane It lies superior to the anterior and posterior malleolar folds.