Before After Diet Indonesia. INCREDIBLE before and after pictures show the astonishing weight loss transformation of a 13yearold — once dubbed “the world’s fattest boy” Arya Permana 13 from West Java In Video Duration 2 min.
Diet Bagi Cowok Itu Nggak Mustahil 10 Orang Ini Berbagi Tips Dan Foto Sebelum Sesudah Berhasil from Diet Bagi Cowok Itu Nggak Mustahil. 10 …
part 1 water fasting 7 days beforeafter | military diet | diet air putih #diet #fatloss7 hari tanpa makanaan 75kg silakan menyalsikan!! Video Duration 27 minViews 166KAuthor Pakar Buncit.
20 Eating Habits in Indonesia Society Life
Eating Together Indonesian people are known to socialize They don’t like to eat alone and prefer to wait and invite friends to make the dining atmosphere more fun Let me take a picture! This is because the effect of social media which is widely spread especially among teenagers Instead of praying first before eating they will not forget to capture food menus and upload them in social media Eat while lifting feet Abroad it is important to always pay attention to table manner every time we eat And eating while lifting legs is obviously rude to them Innards Abroad the innards of various animals must be removed Because for them it is something dirty and not nutritious But uniquely 80% of Indonesians are fond of eating it.
BEFORE/AFTER "Effective" Diet Forums and Community
BEFORE/AFTER “Effective” Diet Posted by kristina_nrx 18 January 2022 41 views I want to share with you the result of the “Effective” diet (Difference 1 and 3 photos in 2 weeks 38kg/326kg).
10 Beforeafter keluarga yang diet bersama, sixpack dalam 6 bulan
Tya Ariestya menjalani diet sehat setelah mendapati tubuhnya semakin berisi pasca melahirkan anak keduanya Diet yang ia jalani adalah dengan tidak mengonsumsi gula tepung minyak dan santan Artis berusia 35 tahun ini juga memberi jadwal pada tiap sesi makan dan hanya meminum air putih diluar jadwal makannya Selain itu ia juga berjalan kaki selama 45 menit setiap hari dan tidur selama 8.
Diet Bagi Cowok Itu Nggak Mustahil 10 Orang Ini Berbagi Tips Dan Foto Sebelum Sesudah Berhasil
shows off transformation after losing World's fattest boy
Usaha Tak Khianati Hasil, Ini Potret Before After 7 Presenter
1 Keluarga ini melakukan diet bersama selama 6 bulan mulai dari 10 Maret hingga 30 September 2017 foto Instagram/@xyjesse 2 Hasilnya tubuh yang gendut berubah ideal foto Instagram/@xyjesse 3 Ayah dan ibu Jesse tampak menikmati tubuh ideal mereka saat ini foto Facebook/XYJesse.